One of the most popular contraception techniques is the use of hormonal implants. For this reason, physicians at Trinity gynecology recommend this method for safe and effective pregnancy prevention in women. Patients must seek expert advice from trained personnel before getting these hormonal implants. However, the only side effect of hormonal implants is abnormal menstrual bleeding, the main reason for premature discontinuation.
What are the benefits of contraceptive implants?
One of the biggest challenges facing women is unplanned pregnancies. Girls who get pregnant at a young age have to deal with regular maternal and fetal morbidity expenses. Although most women choose to terminate an unplanned pregnancy, this is not always the best option because the procedure can be costly. Fortunately, medical advancements have developed contraceptive implants, an opportunity for sexually active fertile women to avoid unplanned pregnancy.
Although there are other contraceptive options like pills, implants provide long-lasting prevention of unplanned pregnancy. Moreover, oral contraceptives involve discipline to maintain proper intake. Many women lack the necessary compliance when taking this short-term contraceptive and are thus at risk of unplanned pregnancy.
If you do not want a permanent contraceptive procedure, you should consider getting implants to provide long-lasting pregnancy protection.
How do contraceptive implants work?
The introduction of progestin-only subdermal implants in the United States in 1991 has quickly gained recognition as a solution to avoiding unplanned pregnancies. Your doctor will deliver these subdermal implants in polymer capsules under the skin. Subdermal contraceptive implants usually contain progestin hormones and do not have any estrogens. The implant provides slow hormone delivery without inducing plasma progestin peaks.
What you should know about contraceptive implants
The duration of efficiency will depend on the type of polymer your doctor will insert in you soon. For this reason, your health care provider will discuss your goals during an initial consultation to understand how long you want the implant to stay in your body. Contraceptive implants offer long-lasting but reversible pregnancy prevention. Therefore, you can always go back to the hospital to remove it if you change your mind about getting pregnant. Subdermal implants suppress ovulation and thicken cervical mucus to prevent sperms from swimming towards the ova.
You may not get pregnant immediately after removing the implant because about 69% of the drug will remain in your bloodstream. This effect is advantageous to women who delay replacing their implant after removal.
Where can you get contraceptive implants?
Although the procedure of inserting the polymer rods is straightforward, you need the help of a trained provider. The health care professional in charge of the process should precede the procedure by providing adequate counseling to ensure patients understand the effects and benefits of contraceptive implants. Your doctor should give you a card indicating the date of insertion and the date of maturity of the implant in your body. Contraceptive implants are ideal to avoid pregnancy while remaining sexually active. Contact Suncoast Women’s Care to have a specialist address any of your concerns regarding contraceptive implants.