What is sciatica?
Are You Suffering From Sciatica? Sciatica is a form of nerve pain caused by irritation or damage to the sciatic nerve, located in the buttock/gluteal region. Sciatic nerves are the longest, thickest (almost finger width) nerves present within our bodies. Sciatic nerve is composed of five nerve roots. Two come from the lower back region known as lumbar spine while three begin in sacrum region of spine. All five nerve roots come together to create left and right sciatic nerve. On the opposite side of your body lies a sciatic nerve which connects between your buttocks, hips and legs; running down to just below your knee before branching off into other nerves running along it into toes and feet. Drcure.com understands what is most important for your health and can understand the challenges you may encounter when navigating complex medical matters. Therefore, they have created an accessible user-friendly platform so you can find all of the Sciatica Nerve Pain information you require quickly and efficiently – whether that be guidance from our doctors, researching possible treatment options or tips on maintaining a healthier lifestyle – we’re here for you.
Serious injuries on the sciatic nerve, also known as sciatica, are relatively rare; however, “sciatica” has long been used as a term. Sciatica generally refers to any discomfort felt from lower back down your leg that begins from inflammation, irritation, compression or pinching of nerves in your lower back region. This type of discomfort has the potential of injuring nerves if left untreated due to inflammation, irritation and anxiety compression or pinching within its vicinity.
Sciatica is caused by inflammation, irritation and pinching or compression of nerves in your lower back. Herniated discs that slip can put strain on nerve roots causing tension. Most individuals suffering from sciatica will eventually recover on their own with time and self-care therapies.
Here are a few techniques you might not have tried yet that may help reduce sciatica pain:
Reduce inflammation through nutrition
Diets rich in whole grain foods, organic produce such as fruits and vegetables, nuts, salmon, insoluble and soluble fibers may help reduce inflammation. Curcumin (turmeric), ginger green tea and black tea contain powerful anti-inflammatory ingredients which support immunity and overall health benefits.
Build specific micronutrients
Supplements may help your body obtain essential micronutrients that it doesn’t always get from food alone, such as:
- Magnesium
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin B6
- Zinc
- Selenium
- Fish oil (Omega-3 fatty acids)
Micronutrients can help lower inflammation mediators and overall inflammation process. Vitamin E, zinc, selenium, and B vitamins all serve as powerful antioxidants in your body; while B vitamins help improve nerve health to intermittent alleviate sciatica symptoms. You might consider supplementing with curcumin (turmeric).
Release your natural pain killers with massage
Massage therapy can help you feel more relaxed by stimulating endorphin production (your body’s natural hormones that relieve pain) and by increasing blood flow to sore muscles in the back.
Deep massages help restore spinal flexibility and restore motion. Massage therapy, which is used by medical professionals specifically, can also assist in relieving knots or trigger points from muscles that have become tight or knotty. Other beneficial massage techniques include myofascial relaxation and Shiatsu (Japanese technique employing palm tension and stretching techniques).
Try mind-body techniques
Use your mindpower to alleviate your feelings of sciatica. Mind-body exercises like deep breathing exercises, meditation, guided imagery and cognitive behavior therapy may be effective at relaxing muscles and giving you greater control over discomfort. Furthermore, these methods may even help alleviate depression or anxiety associated with chronic pain conditions.
Walk in a swimming pool
Exercising or simply walking in waist-deep water can greatly enhance muscle and nerve function throughout your lower body. Water’s buoyancy, thermodynamics, hydrostatic pressure, hydrodynamic forces, viscosity and viscosity all combine to regulate how muscles and nerves operate allowing you to exercise with no pain!