Generally, approximately everyone has ever had diarrhea due to various reasons. Therefore, you can relate to the discomfort one experiences when you have diarrhea. Most people do not take it as a serious condition because, after a while, it disappears. However, it is not the case because chronic diarrhea can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance in the body. In other cases, it can result in malnutrition. Therefore, if you have diarrhea and seek relief, Cypress diarrhea specialists are the solution to all your concerns because they are dedicated to helping you get past your chronic diarrhea and discomfort. Let’s learn more about the causes and treatment options available for diarrhea.
Is diarrhea a serious medical condition?
The answer is yes because initially, diarrhea is not serious, but if it persists for weeks, it results in serious problems. Most people having diarrhea usually experience its symptoms for a few days, and then they disappear, thus not causing the life-threatening medical condition. Children are commonly affected by diarrhea which might even stylishster to death.
In the past, diarrhea was not considered a serious medical condition because it was rare for it to cause life-threatening conditions. But dehydration was considered serious because it resulted in many deaths. Diarrhea is common in undeveloped parts of the world where hygiene and clean water sources are a problem. In our world today, diarrhea is treatable. Therefore, if you are experiencing any discomfort secondary to diarrhea, it is essential to seek medical help. Similarly, if your diarrhea is accompanied by severe pain or persists for more than two days, you should seek treatment. If you also have bloody or dark stools accompanied by signs of dehydration, you should seek immediate care.
What are some of the common causes of diarrhea?
Diarrhea can have various causes making it quite challenging to find relief. Below are some of the common causes.
Viruses and bacteria
Some bacteria, including E. coli and salmonella, can cause diarrhea. Viral infections, especially Norwalk virus, rotavirus, and viral hepatitis, also cause diarrhea.
Dietary issues
Sensitivity to various natural or synthetic sweeteners or lactose intolerance can cause diarrhea. For instance, people with lactose intolerance experience diarrhea because the lactose in their GIT absorbs water from the body to the intestines causing diarrhea.
Medical conditions
Some people have diarrhea due to a gastrointestinal problem or after abdominal surgery. Continuous consumption of antibiotics can also cause diarrhea because they destroy the good and bad bacteria in the body.
What are the treatment options available for diarrhea?
Your health care provider begins by performing a comprehensive examination before developing a treatment plan. He then creates a customized treatment plan that addresses your personal needs. Additional screening, such as colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy, or stool samples, may also be recommended. The test may help detect other underlying conditions that require treatment. The main treatment of diarrhea is managing dehydration by encouraging adequate intake of water, salts, and electrolytes.
Persistent or chronic diarrhea can result in serious medical conditions that affect your overall health and wellbeing. Therefore, if your diarrhea has persisted for weeks and you seek relief, you can get started by calling or booking your appointment at GastroDoxs today.