Family medicine is the practice of medicine with a focus on people’s needs and health care throughout the stages of life. This encompasses everything from newborns and children to the elderly and patients with chronic conditions to those with sudden injuries or illnesses. Cary, NC family medicine is the cornerstone of medical care in communities, providing preventive care and treatment for acute and chronic illnesses and routine health maintenance visits.
Here is why you need a family medicine;
Your doctor knows your unique health history
Your doctor will understand how your unique family history affects your health status. They also recognize changes in your health status more quickly than other types of doctors. In addition, they have access to previous lab results from different types of doctors so they can compare them with current ones and make adjustments as needed.
Your doctor gets to know you personally
A family medicine practice is the ideal setting for this relationship to develop. Your doctor gets to know you personally, and your family and can better understand your needs and concerns. They also understand how you respond to health interventions, which allows them to build an effective treatment plan that addresses all of your needs.
You have a consistent healthcare provider
As a primary care physician, you will know the same doctor for many years. This allows you to form a relationship with that doctor, who can help you stay healthy in the long term. In addition to promoting your general health and well-being, they also serve as a liaison between all doctors and specialists that treat patients at the facility where they work.
Your primary care physician can act as an advocate for you when it comes time for referrals or second opinions on your case. This saves time and money by keeping things streamlined within one facility instead of going to multiple offices to get treatment.
Your doctor is committed to preventing, diagnosing, and treating illness
Family medicine focuses on treating the whole person, not just one condition. The doctors often work with patients over long periods and develop strong relationships. Your family doctor can help you prevent, diagnose, and treat illness by:
- Ensuring you get regular checkups so that they can spot potential problems early on
- Treating short-term illnesses and injuries like colds
- Treating long-term diseases and chronic conditions
- Your doctor provides care throughout each stage of your life.
Finally, a family medicine doctor is trained to provide care throughout each stage of your life. During infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Be sure to contact the family doctor at Generations Family Practice to monitor and treat you for any illnesses.