Incontinence is a common problem in Sandy Springs, Georgia. It affects up to 30% of the population – about 60 million people in the United States alone. It can be caused by several factors, from pregnancy and childbirth to aging or surgery for prostate cancer. The good news is that incontinence doesn’t have to rule your life anymore with these practical ways. Seeking guidance from a specialist in incontinence in Sandy Springs is essential.
Regular Physical Exercises
Regular physical exercises can be very beneficial in preventing incontinence. Flex your pelvic muscles for a few minutes every day. You can do this when you go to the bathroom, before going to bed at night, or while sitting on the couch watching TV. Instead, practice relaxing and tightening your pelvic muscles as you pass gas or when you urinate.
Keeping your body strong can help you avoid incontinence. The more flexible, fit, and active you are, the better off you’ll be in the long run. Try to get regular exercise, even if it’s just a daily walk around the neighborhood.
Incorporate Foods With High Fiber
Make sure to eat enough fiber daily. It will help you avoid constipation, which is often linked to incontinence. Incorporating more fresh produce into your diet can be a great way to get more fiber in the short term, but if that doesn’t seem like it would work for you, there are plenty of fiber supplements on the market to choose from.
Avoid High Alcohol and Caffeine Consumption
Alcohol and caffeine can both lead to incontinence. If you drink, do so in moderation. One drink a day might not be enough to affect your bladder control, but it’s probably wise to keep that number closer to one drink every few days than one drink every single day.
Be Careful When Lifting Objects
Heavy objects can strain your bladder if you don’t move them properly. When lifting or carrying, make sure to lift with your legs, not your back. If you’re pregnant or elderly, be extra careful because these things increase the risk of incontinence.
Catch It Early
If you think you’re developing incontinence, get it checked out. Don’t ignore the problem until it becomes severe; it can make it more difficult to treat later. You could start by talking to your doctor about your symptoms, or you might choose to see a urologist for an evaluation and possible treatment options.
Avoid Contracting UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections)
When you do get urinary tract infections, it can lead to incontinence. Try to avoid them by drinking plenty of water, peeing before and after sex, wiping from front to back (to avoid pushing bacteria up into the urethra), and getting tested for STDs if you’re not in a mutually monogamous relationship.
Seek Quick Treatment for Any Neurological condition
A neurological condition like multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease can also cause incontinence. If you think you might be experiencing this, get checked out by your doctor immediately. Treating the underlying issue may help to relieve your symptoms of incontinence.
Incontinence is a common problem caused by several factors, such as aging, surgery, or pregnancy. However, there are many practical ways to overcome incontinence and lead an everyday life. Regular exercise, eating foods with high fiber content, and avoiding excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption are just some of the ways you can prevent incontinence. If you already have incontinence, seek treatment as soon as possible to help relieve your symptoms.